Be Well, Live Passionately.

I have built my experience in the healing arts for over 25 years through a dedication to resourcing and studying solutions to the effects of chronic pain, injury rehabilitation, stress and anxiety, concussions and the impact of trauma.

I am a Board Certified Structural Integration practitioner following the teaching of Dr. Ida Rolf, having trained at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder Colorado in 2003-2004.  I spent 2 years studying Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills, earning a credential as a registered BCST therapist in 2016, and have immersed myself in other advanced training including trauma resolution skills in cranial practice. The continual search for a healthier life for myself and for the benefit of my clients led me to fulfill a long desire to work in water and, in 2019, I completed 3 years of training to be certified as a practitioner in Watsu & Amnion, registered with the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association. Working in water effectively informs my table based practice and vice versa.

I have named my practice Somatic Bodywork, a clear reference to the concept that the mind and body are very much interconnected.The human’s response to a traumatic event is to run away (flight), stay and fight or freeze as a last resort. If we cannot run away or fight then we become stuck in the freeze state which becomes lodged in our nervous system and will resurface in our daily actions often sabotaging our ability to lead healthy lives. Shame, guilt, fear, anxiety and stress will often cloud our everyday social interactions. My practice is dedicated to helping my clients move through these deeply embedded barriers through attuned bodywork that supports both mental and physical wellness.

My own injuries and life’s stresses, including loss and grief have definitively informed my approach as a practitioner. I have sustained numerous concussions including from a broken jaw and have rehabilitated myself from 4 major surgeries ( both hips, left knee and left shoulder)

I have worked with clients at all stages of life, from infants to seniors, including athletes to those with significant physical limitations and PTSD. I am continually inspired by my clients and how each person activates their own path to health.

After sustaining a successful practice in North Lake Tahoe for 16 years, I spent over 2  years in New York state for love and to further my education. My loving partner and I moved to the Teton Valley in 2015 to enjoy this incredible landscape and the amazing community of people who live here. We got married in Teton Canyon in 2017 and recreate there everyday with our lively Brittany, Saoirse. Currently I see clients in two offices, one in Driggs, Idaho and the second in Jackson, Wyoming.

Restoring Health, Vitality and Ease of Motion